Maine Coon Color Calculator

By SlowBlink.

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Below the inputs, you may see this icon Digital Brain Icon.

This icon is next to the text that shows how we have understood what you typed into the box above it.
This shows up when the way we have understood your input may be different than how you typed it.
If what you type in is not a valid color, we will find the closest match.
For example, "gss111" will find the closest match, "gs 11".

This color calculator is specifically for calculating Maine Coon cat colors.

Coat colors with color point, chocolate, fawn, and cinnamon are not supported.

We parse eye color, poly, and coat length, but do not use them for calculations (yet).

  • Dominant: silver and gold are dominant traits; only one of the parents need to have silver/gold for their children to have silver/gold.

  • Recessive: dilute colors are recessive traits; both parents need to show/carry dilute colors for their children to have a dilute color child. Because dilution is a gene, it may not be visible in the parents. Dilute is also referred to as the lightening gene.

  • Special characters: not allowed. Do not use characters like "% $ # @ ! * ( ) ~ ? ."

    Valid characters: Please only use "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", numbers "0123456789", and optionally spaces/dashes (" "/"-").

  • Order: EMS codes should be in ascending order (lowest to highest).

White is a masking color.

Any color can be hidden under white, so kittens of almost any color may appear.

If you know the white cat's parents, you can predict the color of the kittens. Try using the parent colors in place of white to see the results.

Coat Colors

 n (black)  a (blue) Blue is the dilution of black
 d (red)  e (cream) Cream is the dilution of red
 f (black tortie)  g (blue tortie) Blue tortie is the dilution of black tortie
 w (white) White is a masking gene

Silver and Gold

  • Gold is also known as apricot banding.

  • Silver is sometimes referred to as white banding.

    • In red/cream, it is called Cameo.

    • For all other colors (without tabby), it is called Smoke or Smoky.
Base ColorWith SilverWith Gold
 n (black)  ns (black smoke)  ny (black gold) 
 a (blue)  as (blue smoke)  ay (blue gold) 
 d  (red/orange)  ds (red smoke)  dy  (red gold) 
 e (cream)  es (cream smoke)  ey (cream gold) 
 f (black tortie)  fs (black smoke tortie)  fy (black gold tortie) 
 g  (blue tortie)  gs  (blue smoke tortie)  gy (blue gold tortie) 

With White

01Van⅛ color; up to ⅞ white on head and tail only
02Harlequin⅙ color; ⅚ white
03Bicolor⅓ to ½ white
09OtherUp to ¼ white anywhere


11 Shaded ⅔ silver ⅓ tipped
12 Shell ⅞ silver ⅛ tipped chinchilla
21 Unspecified Tabby Use when the markings cannot be specified or when the markings are unknown
22 Classic Tabby aka Blotched Tabby & Marbled Tabby
23 Mackerel Tabby aka Striped Tabby
24 Spotted Tabby aka Rosetted Tabby
25 Ticked Tabby aka Tipped Tabby

Eye Colors

61 Blue eyed 
62Green eyed
63 Odd eyed One blue; one green/yellow/orange
64 Green eyed 
65Golden eyedBetween yellow and gold


90No Poly
91Poly Front
92Poly Back
93Poly Both
94Poly Unspecified


MCOMaine Coon Non-Poly
POLShort for Poly; use MCP instead
MCPMaine Coon Polydactyl
  • Spaces: EMS codes should be separated by a space.

  • Order: EMS codes should be in ascending order (lowest to highest). For example, ns 09 11, not ns 11 09 and not 11 09 ns.

Tabby is a dominant gene.

The pairing will ~always produce tabbies unless the tabby parent is carrying the solid gene.

If either of the tabby cat's parents are solid, there is a good chance the tabby carries the solid gene. If there are solid cats farther up in the pedigree, there is a chance the cat carries solid.

Tabby is a dominant gene.

The pairing will ~ always produce tabbies unless the both tabby parents are carrying the solid gene.

If either of the tabby cat's parents are solid, there is a good chance the tabby carries the solid gene. If there are solid cats farther up in the pedigree, there is a chance the cat carries solid.

Dilution requires both parents to express or carry the dilution gene..

  • If parent
    is dilute
    (blue, cream), and parent
    is non-dilute
    , the offspring can be dilute if parent
    is carrying the dilution gene
  • If parent
    is non-dilute, and parent
    is non-dilute
    , the offspring can be dilute if parent
    carry the dilution gene
  • If parent
    is dilute, and parent
    is dilute
    , the offspring will carry the dilution gene, and will be dilute.

For non-dilute parents, check their pedigree. If either parent is dilute, there is a good chance the non-dilute cat carries the dilution gene. If there are non-dilute cats farther up in the pedigree, there is a chance the cat carries the dilution gene.

Color PagePreview
Black Maine CoonsBlack Maine Coons
Black Smoke Maine CoonsBlack Smoke Maine Coons
Bicolor Maine CoonsBicolor Maine Coons
Black Silver Tabby Maine CoonsBlack Silver Tabby Maine Coons
Blue Silver Tabby Maine CoonsBlue Silver Tabby Maine Coons
Blue Smoke Maine CoonsBlue Smoke Maine Coons
High Silver Maine CoonsHigh Silver Maine Coons
High Silver Red Maine CoonsHigh Silver Red Maine Coons
High Silver Torbie (Tortoiseshell / Tabby) Maine CoonsHigh Silver Torbie (Tortoiseshell / Tabby) Maine Coons
Red / Orange Maine CoonsRed / Orange Maine Coons
Black Tabby Maine CoonBlack Tabby Maine Coon
White Maine CoonsWhite Maine Coons
High Silver Black Smoke (Pale Smoke) Maine CoonsHigh Silver Black Smoke (Pale Smoke) Maine Coons
Black Tortie (Tortoiseshell) Maine CoonsBlack Tortie (Tortoiseshell) Maine Coons

Dilute/Blue Tortie (Tortoiseshell) Maine Coons

Dilute/Blue Tortie (Tortoiseshell) Maine Coons

Dilute/Blue Torbie (Tortoiseshell Tabby) Maine Coons

Dilute/Blue Torbie (Tortoiseshell Tabby) Maine Coons

Cream Silver Shaded Maine Coons

Cream Silver Shaded Maine Coons

This color calculator does not factor in rare genetic anomalies.

If you encounter a bug, please reach out to us using the Feedback button found at the end of Settings.

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